Saturday, November 17, 2018

Making Friends

Seraphina likes me;  but on day 1, preferred Cassie.  Which is fine... Sometimes the foster dogs prefer one of us over the other., no biggie.  However; when Cassie's friend Heidi came over... it was love at first sight!  Seraphina adored her on day 1 -and now a few weeks later when Heidi came and visited - I was a dim memory while all she wanted was hugs and cuddles for Heidi - her favorite person. She even napped next to her while we visited.   It's really super cute.  She must remind her of someone...

From the first day she came into my home... with Heidi - BFF's.  

 I love her big ol' ears - they are super soft, she'll let you kiss them and they do crazy configurations.  Sometimes they are up, only one is or both down.  You never know~

 Snuggle Time


  1. She looks wonderful.
    Our application is in, and we’d love to have her join our family if we’re the right fit!

  2. She looks wonderful.
    Our application is in, and we’re hoping she can join our family if we’re the right fit.
