Thursday, June 11, 2015

Mulder had a date!

Mulder got to get back to the dog park - first time since about 3 weeks before his surgery!  We started at our new dog park and just stuck to the small dog area since he's stilling healing.   Best news... we set up a playdate with Skipper, who I fostered last year when he was just a small pup and his sibling, tiny fox terrier Fifi!

Mulder did great!  He's always happy to put his harness on (even helps you by putting his head in) but then acts likes a crazy man when you can't latch it fast enough cause he's so excited, by rolling around which is the exact opposite of being helpful.  When we first got there in the late afternoon (still pretty warm outside, but with a nice breeze) we were the only ones there and he just got to run the entire length... It was nice to see. Still fast and just happy to be there...  

Him and Skipper got along great and played a bit.. They both wanted to be chased rather than the chaser... dog politics.. but it's okay.. .it was too hot to get too crazy. Fifi hung out with them a bit, but she likes to hang with her people and I got to cuddle her lots!  Skipper was a little worried about both me and Cassie, but we won him over a little bit and got to hold him and get some cuddles in too!  He sure is growing up! 

Getting kisses from Skipper!

Skipper and Mulder in a nice meet.. ears up, tails up...

Skipper, FiFi and Mulder hanging out...

 Some cute pictures too, where Mulder finally won Skipper over and play began... It took some moves, but Mulder got him interested with a little rolling and gentle pleading... how could Skipper resist? 

Thanks Vana and Kiera for letting Skipper and FiFi come out and play!  

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