Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Time for Simon to get his play on!

Took Simon over to my friends who has 4 dogs... Interesting enough - Simon got his play with 12 year old Howie, who usually is on the couch... He's gotten a lot more active with the addition of two new puppies and Simon got in on some good chase and play with him too!  It was good seeing Howie having fun!

 Meeting a resident cat... Interested but not really... He moved on quick enough... (smart boy)
 Time to rest and both Simon and Luna were able to chew down on bully sticks near other with no problem - he was a bit growly with me when i petted him but he did let me hold the bully stick and pet him with no issue... it's hard on them sometimes to have such a good treat and not be possessive about it but we don't want them to crazy possessive or resource guarding... He just needs to learn that he can relax and enjoy a good treat - there is always more down the line!

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