Friday, September 14, 2012

Greetings From Saul up High!

I hear from my former foster Saul's person Kelly.  He is doing great and just got back from summer vacation where he traveled in a motorhome to Utah.  He got to go to lots places, got to do lots climbing and even some river wading! 

Saul looks great and is doing great... I miss that butter eater (yes, once he stole a whole
stick of butter from the counter top and ate it all!) but Kelly is the person he was meant to be with
and I couldn't be more thrilled with his happy home!


  1. This is awesome. What a great life he lives!

    1. That is my guy! I called him "cliff dancer". He had no fear.

  2. yeah for Saul - so glad he's come into his own!
