Monday, December 5, 2011

Spyro's got a Cone

Spryo's back from his neuter and he is too interested in checking out his stitches, so he's been coned!  He weighs a whole 7 lbs and 9 oz.    He needs a little meat on his bones, he's pretty skinny... He's about 8 months too, so he's bound to grow a bit too.    Just mostly sleeping since we got home and he's not putting to much of fuss up with the cone.   He finally woke up about 1/2 hour ago and downed a bully stick so he must be on the road to recovery... My daughter Cassie was nice and held it for him while he had the cone on - but then we figured out as long as he had the bully stick, he wasn't interested in his stitches, so he got a cone break.    We also took him out twice for potty's with success, so we are off and running on the housetraining! 

Bored!  Let me out of the cone!

he's ears are so big, they fold in the cone - poor thing!

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