Sunday, December 11, 2011

Spyro out on the town...

Spyro had himself a busy day yesterday... He went and visited my neighbor who has a JRT mix  named Fancy who is about 6 years old... They did some playing together and it was super cute (no camera though!) - we will being going back there for sure! 

We also went to the pet store to pick up some more squeeky tennis balls and he did really good though he wouldn't take a treat from an employee, too nervous for that... He did however find a bed he wanted... a $70, memory foam, heated bed - so this little man has expensive taste!  He didn't want to leave it!

Housetraining is coming along... He ALMOST went out the door by himself, I could tell he wanted to, but he couldn't quite brave the chilly weather and had to be coaxed out there...  

He follows my dog Sasha everywhere and has been trying to get her to play by bouncing around in front of her... it's super cute.... They even shared a moment in the doggie bed together, though Sasha left after about 5 minutes... (okay, Cassie put Spyro in there, but they still had a moement together!)

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