Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sammy's Vet Trip

Sammy has a had a busy week!  Last Thursday he went to the vet and got the official - no more Demodex for him and the redness on his face is about 99% gone.  Yeah!  However, the vet spotted that little Sammy still had his baby canines in addition to his adult ones and recommended that those baby teeth be pulled.  He also noticed that Sammy had a loose dew claw on his back leg that could be removed at the same time.  So this Thursday, he went back to the vet.

First, he was more than a little upset when we got up that morning and he didn't get any food.  But he was a sport and was quite the little charmer at the vet.  I picked him up that afternoon and he was doing great and way happy to go home.  He has two stitches on his back leg so has a bandage there, but otherwise you wouldn't know that he had any kind of surgery and hasn't missed a beat. And he got dinner!  Happy dog!
more belly scratches please!


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