Sunday, June 24, 2018

Arrival Day!

Slater is here!  He is a cutey patootie! An easy trip in the car on the way home with Sasha and Skeeter.  Everyone got a chew treat in their own spaces and then settled in for naps until we got home. 

 Once home; he got busy exploring the house and the yard.  While he is really nervous and unsure of what is happening, I did notice that he has a little prance to him when he walks that is pretty adorable.

Then is was bathtime and dinner.  Then he was out like a light for the rest of the night.  I don't blame him; he had a busy day!

He got an after dinner treat - He wasn't sure what to do with it so I held it while he licked it (a frozen banana, peanut butter, yogurt treat - Thanks for the recipe Vana!).  Of course, Sasha inhaled hers in 2 seconds and was just watching to make sure that Slater was going to eat all of his - :)  At 15, Sasha might not see as well as she used to, but she can still see a treat! 

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